We engage with executives across the investment lifecycle, from diligence advisory to board membership and operating partner roles.

We also serve as a thought partner to high caliber executives seeking to engage with private equity.

“The relationship with Kingfish has paid tremendous dividends: in advisory and board opportunities, in stimulating dialogue, and in opportunities to apply my skills to make a real impact.”

Tom Quigley, Former CEO and Executive Advisor

Ways to Work With Us

We collaborate with executives in various ways.
In all cases, we seek to ensure it’s a rewarding
and efficient use of their time.

  • Consulting opportunities.

    We make sure to engage executives thoughtfully as we have needs for assistance with diligence or our portfolio companies.

  • Board positions

    We seek to identify executives for board positions within our and our partner firms’ investment portfolios.

  • Pursuing a private investment together

    We help executives learn about and navigate engagement with private equity firms, especially as they become aware of private companies seeking capital, or are developing an acquisition/M&A thesis. Our partner firms focus on North American companies with $3m+ in EBITDA.

Our commitment to executives

Respectful of their time – We strive to engage executives on situations that align well with their background and interests

Fair compensation for their time and knowledge as advisors, board members and operators

Ability to share in the upside when they catalyze a proprietary investment opportunity

Provide opportunities to mentor the next generation of private company leaders

Offer opportunities for intellectual engagement and fulfillment

Support and advise - serve as a sounding board on private equity and career matters